We constantly update our Facebook page with church news, pictures, events, and other relevant information.
Our Updates
Become a member
Are you interested in becoming a member of Franklin Federated Church? Are you not sure if you are ready yet? Do you have questions about membership or our church? If you answered yes to any of these questions, please know our membership process is easy. You simply need to speak to a Deacon or the Pastor to express your interest or ask whatever questions you may have. We will discuss a time to meet with you and answer your questions or begin the membership process if you are ready. We want your membership journey to be as special as you are and will work to make it a memorable day in the life of our church. Remember, we are ready whenever you are!
Little Free Library
Franklin Federated Church is the site of a Little Free Library. The Little Free Library program, consisting of over 40,000 locations covering 70 countries, promotes literacy and public access to all types of written works. By joining the Little Free Library network, Franklin Federated Church is welcoming all members of our community to come take or leave a book. You’ll find out library right out on the front lawn at 171 Main St in Franklin. The library is generally stocked with adult and children’s books of all genres. The library gets a lot of traffic so check-in regularly for new books!
Little Free Library Dedication
Come visit our Little Free Library right on the front lawn!
Connect Groups
We have a small-group ministry program called Connect Groups. Offered twice a year for 10 weeks, Connect Groups are organized to give ourselves space and time on a weekly basis to connect in new ways with the people with whom we worship and serve. Connect Groups provide a way to make our faith more personal and tangible, becoming another component of our individual faith journey.
Connect Groups are led by church members and have been organized around many different topics – book groups, dog walking, beer tasting, bowling, scrapbooking, movie going, Scrabble playing, game nights, hiking, photography, wood working, writing, Bible study, and more.
What happens in a Connect Group? We gather once a week. We share time & an activity together. We talk with each other. We enjoy each other’s company. We have fun. We often EAT!! We build community with each other. We pray for one another. We grow our church family in treasured and meaningful ways. We create and deepen our connections with each other. We celebrate our Christian fellowship together.