Who We Are
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Franklin Federated Church is a Christian community serving the greater Franklin Area. Our church is a union of The First Baptist and Congregational Churches of Franklin. Franklin Federated Church is located at 171 Main St, at the corner of the Franklin Common at Main and High Streets. We have a large parking lot and there is ample parking on the street as well.
What we believe
The FFC Wordle
We believe actions in faith are more important than rhetoric. We do not believe we have all the answers but do support each other in the seeking the God we see revealed in Jesus. Franklin Federated Church is a Free Church, in that we are wholly self-funded and make all decisions ourselves concerning the church. We are affiliated with The American Baptist Church (ABC) and the United Church of Christ (UCC).
PURPOSE STATEMENT: Franklin Federated Church is a Community of Abundant Welcome to All, Growing Together in Christ and Serving with Love.
Following Christ and led by the Holy Spirit, we will seek to live into the following Vision over the next five years. Read More →
Baptism & Confirmation
As a federated church of American Baptists and United Church of Christ congregations, we recognize separate practices of each congregation. The Baptist members dedicate newborn babies with a full baptism happening at a later age while the UCC members perform infant baptisms followed by a Confirmation process when they're older. These different processes are celebrated and supported by the whole congregation.
Extravagant Hospitality
FFC fully embraces a philosophy of Extravagant Hospitality. “No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.” We believe God calls us to open our doors far and wide and invite all who might cross the threshold to find a place of spiritual nourishment and growth. Visitors are warmly greeted. There is an atmosphere of friendly and generous welcome. Visitors are provided a gift as a thank you for trying out FFC! After worship, we gather in the parlor for fellowship and refreshments. Always a good time!
Our staff
Rev. Doreen Oughton
Todor Stoinov
Church Musician
Michele Webster
Office Administrator
Eric Eidswick
Welcoming and Affirming
Franklin Federated is a Welcome and Affirming Church. This means we are a member of the Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists and the UCC Coalition for LGBT Concerns.
Find out more about our welcoming and affirming church →
Restoration Campaign
Franklin Federated successfully concluded a $500,000 Restoration Campaign. The church was formed in 1941 by the First Congregational Church (founded in 1738) and the First Baptist Church (founded in 1868). The current church building was completed in 1895; the parsonage, built in 1868, is even older. Much-needed repairs piled up over the decades and were addressed when possible but not all repairs can fit into the yearly budget. The congregation pledged $502,185 that is earmarked for safety and structural repairs. While repairing broken parts of the church building, the congregation voted to pledge over $17,000 to the homes in the community that are broken down by violence through the New Hope RESPECT program.
The campaign website contains frequently asked questions, project updates, and a campaign recap.
Before and after view of the front walkway and stairs at the entrance of the church
New gutters and heating cables
Our history
The history of the Franklin Federated Church is entwined with the history of the town. It begins in in 1738, when a group of Congregationalists from Wrentham broke off from the church there to form their own parish in what was then known as West Wrentham. That church, the First Congregational Church, become the center of life in the town, which was incorporated as Franklin in 1778.
In 1868, the First Baptist Church of Franklin was established. The congregation's School Street building was destroyed by the Hurricane of 1938. That left the Baptist church without a building at a time when the Congregational church was without a minister. The Congregationalists invited the Baptists to worship with them, and history was made. The two congregations together formed the Franklin Federated Church in 1941.
The current church building was built in 1895.
Our facilities
The church grounds are made up of the church and parsonage located at 171 Main St in Franklin, Massachusetts. The church building is made up of the sanctuary, parlor, sunday school classrooms, a full kitchen and cafeteria, the administrative offices, and a bell tower, of course!
The church facilities are available for your events. Our regular rentals include religious services, concerts, support groups, music recitals, meetings, scout groups, and more. Contact us to get in touch if you'd like to discuss using our facilities for your event.
Our Church Organizational Chart
Franklin Federated Church has a Church Council, Staff, Active Ministries in the By-Laws (Missions, Deacons, Building and Grounds, Christian Education, and Pledge/Stewardship) and Active Ministries not in the By-Laws (Nominating, Pastoral Relations, Connect Group, Flower, Racism Education, Worship Team, Tech Team, Welcoming, Interfaith Council, Planned Giving). Read More →
Our Church By-Laws
By-Laws of the Franklin Federated Church An American Baptist and United Church of Christ Congregation were last voted on May 8, 2009. Read More →
Our Covenant for Christian Communication
A Covenant for Christian Communication* was adopted by FFC at Church Council 11/10/20
“…speaking the truth in love, we must grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and knitted together by every ligament with which it is equipped, as each part is working properly, promotes the body’s growth in building itself up in love.” (Ephesians 4:15-16) Read More →