A Community of Abundant Welcome to All, Growing Together in Christ and serving with Love

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Rally Sunday Outdoor Worship

  • Franklin Federated Church 171 Main Street Franklin, MA 02038 USA (map)

“There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and who feasted sumptuously every day. And at his gate lay a poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores, who longed to satisfy his hunger with what fell from the rich man’s table…”  (Luke 16:19-21)   
If you don't have internet/access to a computer you can CALL IN BY PHONE via Zoom and listen to worship!
Call-in phone number:  929-205-6099
NEW Meeting ID: 837 8512 6321
NEW Passcode: 289999

(If you call in you will be automatically muted so that the sound doesn't affect the LiveStream.) 

ORDER OF WORSHIP (30-40 minutes):  
- Opening Song:  "There's a Quiet Understanding" - Julie Gorman, Kathy Danielson & Alan Mercer
- Welcome
- Announcements
- Call to Worship
- Song:  Currently untitled - Kathy Danielson
- Scripture Reading: Luke 16:19-31
- Story Sermon:  “The Rich Man and Lazarus” (A re-telling of Jesus’ parable, set in contemporary times)
- Song:  “Peace on Earth” - Julie Gorman and Alan Mercer
- Pastoral Prayer, Moment of Silence, and Lord’s Prayer
- Benediction
- Closing Song:  "We Are One (In The Father's Love)" - Julie Gorman, Kathy Danielson & Alan Mercer


  • Masks are required.

  • Please practice 6’ social distancing from people not in your household.

  • Please bring your own “beach” chair.

  • Please park on the street (as the parking lot will be our seating area.)

  • People with mobility issues may be dropped off at the entrance to the parking lot. 

  • Bathrooms will be for emergency use only.
    NOTE:  The worship service will not include a live-stream prayer time.  If you have prayer requests you want included in a “pastoral prayer” spoken by Rev. Marlayna, please email her with your requests by Friday, September 18th.  revschmidt@comcast.net.

Later Event: September 22
Book Group