A Community of Abundant Welcome to All, Growing Together in Christ and serving with Love


Fasting is a way of emptying our lives to make more room for God. A contemporary fast (for Lent) could include:

  • A commitment to spend fewer hours watching television, or abstain entirely from TV for the season.

  • A choice to spend less time on the internet and more time offline with family and friends.

  • A promise not to buy luxuries or possessions you don't really need.

  • A decision to clear out the clutter in your home and donate to Goodwill or some other charity the possessions you can live without.

"The purpose of a fast is NOT self-punishment. Instead, use it as a spiritual opportunity."

from: A Lime For Transformation,
The Journey of Lent, 2008
Thank you, Nancy Ross

Lenten Devotions
February 20, 2021