A Community of Abundant Welcome to All, Growing Together in Christ and serving with Love

THE GREATEST PRAYER "Thy Will Be Done on Earth"

"Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven." John Dominic Crossan likens God's kingdom to a well-run household which provides all members with their basic needs. That is God's will: not that everyone will have the same, but that the world will be run like God's household, and everyone will have enough. Crossan calls this "distributive justice."

One of my favorite Bible passages is Micah 6:8: "He has told you 0 mortal (the Hebrew word is "adam" or, as I like to translate: "earthling"), what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God. "

Jesus' teachings focus on earthly matters, on justice for the poor and unfortunate, on distributive justice, on God's will that His earthly kingdom is run as well as He would run Heaven. Jesus called his followers, and still calls us, to do God's will on earth.

Thoughts from Lyn Pickhover

Lenten Devotions
March 1 , 2021