A Community of Abundant Welcome to All, Growing Together in Christ and serving with Love

John 13:34-35 & 1 John 4:7-12

John 13:34-35 & 1 John 4:7-12 "No one has seen God, ever. But if we love each other, God dwells deeply within us, and His love is brought to full expression in us -- perfect love!" (a combo of v.12 from MSG & NLT).

Been thinkin' 'bout this for 4 days, ever since the above liturgy was read and our Rev. Marlayna's discussion on swimming against the tide. I'm even taking in the little Phillip Bennett "Let Yourself be Loved" book she mentioned, and trying to present something coherent here, but short of repeating [that], I'm generally drawing blanks.

Although: Do you ever say ''why bother, I'm just one person - what difference would my voice or action make?", or feel that 'love' is such a multi-faceted and all-consuming theme, that I'd never do it any real justice. If you're at all like me, you stay in your lane (metaphorically, not driving-wise out on 495) and rarely go out on a limb. Do you remember the story of the child on a Georgia beach, the 1st Weds. in November 1970-something after a horrific Atlantic storm? The resignation of President Nixon, who had been my Army Comander-in-Chief, was a fresh memory. And little Down-syndrome, 4 yr. old Julianna, bucket in hand, was collecting star-fish, mother Sarah -reading to and feeding J.'s siblings on a blanket nearby. The Election Day hurricane brought thousands of the 5-pointed echinoderms to their low-tide location and Julianna's helping and loving spirit was infectious! This was because, when the journalist told the toddler she'd never save all these thousands, Julianna plunked a second into her pail, waved to Mom and ran toward the ocean, shyly ignoring the guy, yet squealing with delight something about 'helping these 2'. All was and is right with God's world!

Now how well do you and I display love for God and toward those we encounter? I think we'd agree that love is important! I contend that love is a choice and an action; for sure the action-part emanating from yours truly won't ever be perfect. If I'm overly influenced by today's world, which is generally selfish, His love which I know and aspire to continually embrace, will be snuffed out or paltry at best. Lest I'm diligent and not allow discouragement to win, the opposite of love will rear its beastly head. Pour moi, that means time in: prayer, reading & meditating on His word, service, decreasing media input & listening to that still-small-voice more than CNN, enumerating gratitude, discussing the difficult subjects as best I'm able, encouraging socially distant grand-kids, giving away talent & treasure, cognizant of His grace and generally letting love abide....

Love comes from God and rejoices when the truth is revealed...Bless your passing Love on, Deacon Kevin T.