A Community of Abundant Welcome to All, Growing Together in Christ and serving with Love

Matthew 25 : 1 - 13

Matthew 25 : 1 - 13 " ....Heaven will be like ten bridesmaids .... five of them were foolish, and five were wise. The five who were foolish didn't take enough olive oil for their lamps, but the other five were wise enough to take along extra oil for their lamps." (v. 1-3; NLT).

How are you doing? Not what are you doing but, if you'll excuse a little literary license, "how ya doin'?" can be an invitation to far greater depth than its common superficiality. All kidding aside here, although I'm habitually in favor of levity or finding a humorous relevant twist to 'most' things, and not one to demand an answer, I do mean it soberly with the utmost respect and earnest-ness. God knows there's enough to be stressed about without my enumerating the angst-raising list again. And, I don't use that phrase lightly or with any irreverence, because I know he [God] is aware, cares and responds. I'm both wise and unburdened to bring Him my list, and sensibly acknowledge grace that I don't deserve. 'Tis likely that the five virgins who were turned away in the above parable were riddled with pangs of remorse. I'm confident that their neglect wasn't intentional, but did the five fail due to not listening to a still-small-voice? Opportunity looms! Am I habitually making time to broaden spiritual reserves and taking in enough oil? I contend that it takes me at least twenty-five intentional minutes daily to nurture spiritual growth, otherwise I'm treading water, sort of speak. Currently I find myself enlisting God's Spirit related to a prideful damaging inclination as well as a scary reconciliation possibility.

We were blessed by the teaching about 'meditation' and an application of it by our Pastor, Sunday. This is a spirit-connecting method, that is often quite helpful. Even though I admit to brief siesta this time, I'm in the process of learning Psalm 23 using plural pronouns. In a previous life, I was in a group where it was unquestionably okay to doze, as folks pursued spiritual well-being; their catnaps showed they felt safe. Just Monday, I saw our 5-month old grand-child asleep on her back, arms/hands out, palms up; He makes us lie down in green pastures; no fetal posture for little Jada, she was absolutely secure, I surmised and praised Jesus! Meditation is the choice of listening to God. I encourage us all to give this a shot without expectation and detaching from judging success or failure. Admittedly, I had a loyalty issue 25+ years ago, where I felt my allegiance to the 'god' of my understanding was being undermined. Nowadays, I'm over [that] because meditation time is directed at God and focused on His words and precepts; and that has made all the difference! There's a right time to reach out and assist my brethren, but it needn't be all the time. Not sure about you, but I'm better off accepting my lot and what I can and cannot change. I no longer find it necessary to evaluate the five unprepared bridesmaids. We know not the hour of the Son of Man's return, my tank is half-full, what's your gauge reading?

May we all allow our Lord to anoint our heads with oil, Kevin T. for the FCC Deacons.