Matthew 3: 1-12 — Franklin Federated Church
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Matthew 3: 1-12

Matthew 3: 1-12 "In those days John the Baptist came to the Judean wilderness and began preaching. His message was, 'Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of God is coming soon'." (vv. 1-2; NLT - Life Appl. Study Bible).

Are you ready yet? I know, I know, I just pasted that in from the start of last week's writing..... Turns out, you and I are still here, Jesus didn't return (yet) and the question is similarly applicable, as before! Were we given a reprieve? Lest you've forgotten, Jesus was speaking in last week's case about never knowing when he would return to judge Earth's inhabitants. Whereas the Scripture text noted above refers to the warning given by Jesus' predecessor and distant cousin John, who was warning anyone who'd listen that they'd do well to be remorseful about past shameful behavior and resolve not to continue any of their wrongdoings. Now, between you and I, wouldn't we likewise benefit from an inventory of past and/or current transgressions? I know that my personal style of self-centeredness begets: pride, rebellious thinking, passive aggression, occasional gluttony and oft inappropriate apathy! And, although it usually comes cold molasses-slow, I'm getting better with the idea that I don't have to have my life cleaned-up before I bring my messy issues to Him! But, I have to continually ask: 'do my words and actions match?'

As John the Baptist urged any followers, the first step in turning toward God is to admit my sin. He [John] was a unique messenger, a fearless uncompromising confronter, known for his remarkable lifestyle, relentlessly standing for truth and ever faithful to his calling. Makes me question: if my conduct brings any hope to those I encounter who find life lacking real meaning? Is the way you live and treat others, indicative of what you believe? John's was a powerful message - - have you considered how Christ makes a difference in you? I'm not always sure where I stand, but If the occasion arose would you willingly share the 'difference' question? Anyhow, John was a dominant figure in God's plan and Jesus' story, bringing up the need to confront "Sin". He generally stirred up tremendous, yet much needed turmoil / questions in both this scribe's mind and heart And the world as it was then, is now and forever shall be until Jesus the Christ returns. Are you ready? If not, think about becoming so.....

Best wishes & His grace & peace, Deacon, Kevin T.
