A Community of Abundant Welcome to All, Growing Together in Christ and serving with Love

Luke 23:26-38  

Luke 23:26-38     "Father forgive them, they don't know what they're doing."  (MSG)

    The phrase "pull up" has been too frequently used by police to tell an African American driver to stop their vehicle. It's not the phrase being questioned here, it's the motive of its user. As Rhianna (American Pop singer) recently suggested in an NAACP acceptance speech, the existing racial divide could be diminished if we 'pull up', break bread and resolve our differences; similar to how we might do the same with family or friends. Personally, it's likely that my own privilege of having white skin has come in handy when 'pulled-over', irrespective of my driving and definitely not related to my character.  Diversity not only surrounds me, but my life is enhanced by the variety it brings! Forgive me Lord, for I'm not always aware of my motives, words or behavior. My view is commonly clouded by my: comfort, familiarity, experience, biases, resistance to change, pride and family-of-origin-like thinking to name a few. My tendency is to remain on auto-pilot and avoid discomfort, thereby negating any possibility of navigating toward bettering our faltering world, let alone my own lot. God's Grace & Peace, your Deacons