A Community of Abundant Welcome to All, Growing Together in Christ and serving with Love

Luke 23:43

Luke 23:43  "I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise."  (NLT - LASB).

     A mentor of mine asserts, "if you cannot decide which way to turn while pondering a particularly trying situation, strongly consider erring on the side of mercy."

     Have you ever been falsely accused? I have, and Jesus was for sure! Several on Death Row in the Alabama prison system were as well. The film: 'Just Mercy' depicts African American Atty. Bryan Stevenson fighting to exonerate one of them and making, freeing as many wrongly sentenced as possible, his life's calling.

     Jesus had done NO wrong, yet was being executed like the two criminals being crucified with Him. The faith of the one who asked to be remembered in God's kingdom was greater than Jesus' (at-that-time-hiding) disciples, by reason of that faith spring-boarding him beyond the current shame, i.e. a wrongful execution, and toward the coming glory. Makes me wonder if I'm willing or able to bestow any 'mercy', minimally resembling what has been granted to me for the express purpose of delayed gratification?

Grace and Peace, your Deacons