After this, when Jesus knew that all was finished, he said (in order to fulfill the scripture), "I am thirsty." (that scripture: "they gave me poison for food, and for my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink." Psalm 69:21) NRSV
'Thirst' is mentioned 54 times in biblical text and reference to 'water' some 716 times, which tells me of the subject's significance. Isn't our body comprised of 72% water? Such a basic human need, which we so effortlessly take for granted, yet the crucified Jesus expressed his fallible human desire for such at death's door. Do I have enough (H2O, food, TP, my fave milk, etc.) to get through the pandemic? The seeming-scarcity connects us with war efforts of the past, to paraphrase last week's podcast. Any current deprivation that helps focus on what I'm grateful for serves a greater [good] purpose.
The Psalm, like me has me whining to God about my perceived current plight, but un-like Jesus, I don't appear to have the mettle to see me through, without turning to God.
Stay the course of Peace, your Deacons