A Community of Abundant Welcome to All, Growing Together in Christ and serving with Love

Luke 23: 44-46

Luke 23: 44-46  By this time it was about noon, and darkness fell across the whole land until three o'clock.  The light from the sun was gone.  And suddenly, the curtain in the sanctuary Temple was torn down the middle.  Then Jesus shouted, "Father, I entrust my spirit into your hands!"  And with those words he breathed his last.

     Should we have faith steadily in God?  What about loving extravagantly or hoping unswervingly, are these worthwhile pursuits or at least concepts to be mindful of?

     God, the human, a.k.a. Jesus took on the daunting task of being crucified, head-on! I'm recalling the response of the President of Japan after the devastating tsunami a few years back, saying in essence that the Japanese citizenry would do all they could and leave the rest to God.  

     My attitude and/or my grumbling is always my choice, no matter how I'm victimized or doing without 'things' I'm used to having.  Now, my swerving tendency to run, hide or self-medicate to avoid or soften the blow is a subject for another time, whereas genuinely retaining an open eye and heart toward my hope, just may propel me to the best point of relinquishing control to my Comforter-God. I can go about: 40 days without food, 8 days without water, 4 minutes without oxygen, but only 30 seconds without hope.  That said, I choose [98%] to accept the things I cannot change and place my hope in Jesus.

     His Grace and Peace, your Deacons