A Community of Abundant Welcome to All, Growing Together in Christ and serving with Love

Isaiah 42:8-9, 43:18-21 and 48:6-7

Isaiah 42:8-9, 43:18-21 and 48:6-7   "The wild animals will honor me, the jackals and the ostriches; for I give water in the wilderness, rivers in the desert, to give drink to my chosen people,"  (v. 43:20, NRSV).

     So many questions conjured up from the images conveyed in the Scriptural references mentioned above. I'm struggling to narrow these few lines to a concise set of cohesive thoughts. Am I one, that Isaiah refers to as 'chosen' or is that idea reserved for just back then, when God led the Israelites out of the oppression of Egypt? Do I equate any of my past or present as "desert or wilderness - like" times? How do you spell relief or did I receive any reprieve? Have I not been granted the cool refreshing restorative water that internalizing the life of Jesus can cause; resulting in my interacting far more favorably with imperfect humans than my impulsive natural tendency? If the ostriches, lilies of the fields and jackals praise their Creator, shall I not at least minimally honor? Are you, like me hoping for just a bit of moisture (never mind a river) in an aspect of your existence that's seemingly void of life due to no traces of water?

     In one case I've got a sibling who recently accused me of trying to take advantage for personal gain. Instead of going to the fight I was invited to, it turned out I: a) didn't have the [whole] story, b) apologized for my part and c) thanked him for exposing the truth, which in turn reiterated our deceased Mom's kindness, caring and generous nature. In a second relationship, a dryness prevails that I need to continuously turn-over to God, lest I damage what is there that He might build on, rather than 're-build' on after my oft self- righteous inclinations. And a third instance is my many opportunities to speak the truth in love with the older grand-kids pushing the boundaries to see if I'll be consistent with what their parents espouse. So again, Am I chosen? I contend that I am chosen to carry out and honor the life of Jesus as best I am able and lean not on my own understanding. How 'bout you? 

     God's Grace, His Peace, Pass IT on, your Deacons......