A Community of Abundant Welcome to All, Growing Together in Christ and serving with Love

June 28th Worship

This Sunday, we hope you can join us for a Livestream Virtual Worship Service that Music Director Julie Gorman and I will be leading at 10 am.  The first part of the hour (between 30 and 40 minutes) will include many of the traditional elements of worship that we are accustomed to, following this order:

- Welcome

- Prelude

- Announcements

- Call to Worship

- Hymn #261 “Sweet, Sweet Spirit"

- Opening Prayer

- Scripture Reading:  Matthew 10:40-42 

- Sermon “A Cup of Cool Water"

- Hymn #683 “O for a World"

- Benediction

The last part of  the hour (between 20 and 30 minutes) will be a Livestream prayer time like you have been doing where prayer requests can be mentioned in the “chat” function, and I will include your requests  in prayer.

A postlude will follow the prayer time.