A Community of Abundant Welcome to All, Growing Together in Christ and serving with Love

The story of the Prodigal Son & his older brother.

Luke 15: 11 - 32   "So he [the son] set off and went to his father." (v. 20a; NRSV).

     Just how easy is it anyway to eat crow? Is there any nutritional value or aid to my digestion, by ingesting, even a slice of humble pie? Rev. Marlayna poignantly exposed a quite-possible mind-set of the mother and older brother in that 'oh so familiar' prodigal son [parable], Sunday. A far cry from Pastors' common swipe at depicting the need of the younger son to grovel, upon butting up against life's cold reality, after a season of waste and wantonness. Perhaps, going to God and articulating character flaws, as best I'm able could be profoundly freeing, even if zero people that I encounter describe such as easily done. Could it be that the conflicting sons Mom's seeking God's character was an assertion of her character, in the Luke text? The older's words to the younger prodigal around meeting, to teach him 'harvesting' are definitive progress toward Jesus' spirit being infused by Mama Naomi's words and care.

      Just for yucks, I looked up "crow" in my handy Oxford Dictionary & Thesaurus, and found the term: 'eat crow' referenced as part of the definition. Knowing that such publication doesn't mince words, I take this to mean that eating crow is common and understanding this related expression serves to add clarity! That said, pride is a primary short-coming of I, the undersigned. I likely would enhance life and relationships, by addressing rather than denying and neglecting situations, where I'm confident that Godly behavior would improve things for self & several. I often justify my denial for not dealing with things, because it'd 'rock-the-boat'. Doing so, meaning: upsetting the status quo would likely result in disruption where things got worse before they have a chance of improving. Change is hard! Has any of your thinking-Christianly told you of ways, circumstances might improve in your sphere of influence? My ruts of thinking in this area, aren't serving me so well of late; maybe a taste of that crow-pie wouldn't hurt.

     Lord God, may these words and musings be prayer, especially on subjects whereby my words / behaviors haven't worked for me, let alone yielded things as you'd orchestrate them....ttyl.

Blessings & may your delivery of Jesus' message be openly received, Kevin & your deacons.