"He answered, ‘I will not’; but later he changed his mind and went.” (Matthew 21:29)
If you don't have internet/access to a computer you can CALL IN BY PHONE via Zoom and listen to worship!
Call-in phone number: 929-205-6099
NEW Meeting ID: 837 8512 6321
NEW Passcode: 289999
(If you call in you will be automatically muted so that the sound doesn't affect the LiveStream.)
ORDER OF WORSHIP (30-40 minutes):
- Prelude
- Welcome
- Announcements
- Call to Worship
- Hymn #354 “Seek Ye First"
- Scripture Reading: Matthew 21:23-32
- Sermon “Holding on to Comfort?"
- Communion of the Lord’s Supper
- Hymn #655 "Community of Christ"
- Benediction
PRAYER SERVICE (10-20 minutes)
You are invited to type prayer requests into the chat function of the Livestream.