A Community of Abundant Welcome to All, Growing Together in Christ and serving with Love

February 7th Worship

Information about this Sunday’s Livestream Worship

You are invited to have bread and juice on hand in order to celebrate communion.

(found on church website Franklinfederated.org and FaceBook page)

“...And [Jesus] was transfigured before them…” (Mark 9:2)

ORDER OF WORSHIP (35 minutes)

- Prelude

- Welcome

- Announcements

- Call to Worship

- Hymn #65 "A Mighty Fortress"

- Scripture Reading: Psalm 46 (God is with us)

- Sermon: "Noticing God in the Ordinary”

- Reception of New Members - Mary Poole and Clinton Read

- Communion of the Lord's Supper

- Closing Hymn #528 "Give thanks"

- Benediction

PRAYER SERVICE (10-20 minutes)

- To begin our prayer service, Jake Houlihan will share a message of Peace and a symbol of Light that has traveled all the way to Franklin from Bethlehem

You are invited to type prayer requests into the comment section of the Livestream.


Hymns for Sunday, February 7th

Click on the hymn to view and/or download the music.
#65 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
― Give Thanks