A Community of Abundant Welcome to All, Growing Together in Christ and serving with Love

Mark 9 : 2 - 9

Mark 9 : 2 - 9; Jesus is Transfigured on the Mountain (This commentary based on: NCV, NRSV & NLT (LASB) Versions of the Holy Bible)

I willingly stretch to know better, the one who knows; however today's study in 'truth' raises a few questions.

Do I have any excuse for my unbelief? Unlike the disciples who were often confused during Jesus' life and ministry, let alone his death and resurrection, can I advance my own lot, my Church-community or this needy world by 'having' God's revealed word?

If you look at the reading, do you wonder why Jesus singled out the three disciples to go up the mountain? Do you feel or sense your chosen-ness? Am I seeking enough mountain-time closeness to God? Are you recalling that Moses and Eiljah got closer to God during mountain encounters? Why might Jesus choose James-John-Peter to reveal his purity and glory? Are you ready to understand and accept similar greater truths? Like the three, are you and I called to Jesus' inner circle, having heard his clarion call? Have you had spiritual awakening(s) like Rev. Marlayna mentioned in her lesson this week? Was seeing sunlight through dense fog on the distant shore of Sebago Lake, reason for hope while pleading with God, after rejection from a former spouse? Can you associate very closely with Peter's words or attempts to react toward his tendencies and just "do something", when encountering the divine? Do I move toward what's comfortable when buttons or boundaries are pushed? Had you been a Jew and disciple, how do you think you would've reacted to being exposed to the fulfillment of what your people had been anticipating for generations? Bringing it back to the present, are the many voices we hear today actually helpful? Some may be, but aren't we better off holding those voices up to the light of God's revelation and Biblical perspectives? Would you or I be able to stifle our exuberance, and do as Christ asked those 3, that is to swear to secrecy and not speak of what took place up that hill before grasping Jesus' power over death and authority as King over all? Would you say that the survival of the wider-Christian-church for 2,021 yrs. shows at least marginal success? Shall we, both individually and as a body engage in propagating its 'love - grace - mercy' message?

So many questions; can I bring the vast and open-ended as well as the smallest details, shortcomings or imperfections of my existence to this God of our understanding? Do you believe that people can change, Or in transformation, Or our ability as a culture to root out racism, Or in miracles? What are you thinking God would have you contribute or our church-community become?

Peace, no questions asked! It's been a blessing and a pleasure as my Deacon service comes to a close, Guess who?