(found on church website Franklinfederated.org and FaceBook page and in-person!)
“Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out...” (Romans 12:2, The Message)
ORDER OF WORSHIP (40 minutes)
- Prelude
- Welcome
- Announcements
- Call to Worship
- Hymn: #284 “Gather Us In"
- Scripture Reading: Romans 12:1-2
- Sermon: “From Broadcast Control to Social Collaboration” (#7 in a series on the book Weird Church)
- Hymn: “Pass It On”
- Pastoral prayer
- Lord’s Prayer
- Hymn: #422 “Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ"
- Benediction
- Postlude
(Note: Offering will be taken during the postlude)
LINK TO SCRIPTURE: Romans 12:1-2