A Community of Abundant Welcome to All, Growing Together in Christ and serving with Love

To Everything There is a Season

IS IT ME OR IS IT HOT in here? (in the deacons corner). Summer and everything that means Summer - GRADUATIONS, WEDDINGS, HOLIDAYS, MOTHER'S DAY, FATHER'S DAY.... had enough? How about pollen count, insects, yardwork, birthdays....EEEaaggghhh!!!!!!! OKAY, OKAY , OOOKAY, IT'S NOT THAT BAD! Doesn't the beer - ice tea - lemonade - taste better when the mercury hits 90? Do you really want your children in public school for more than 12 years? Is there a better backdrop for wedding photos than God given flora??? Don't even try to take away Father's Day!!!!! As for pollen count (see God given flora-above), insects....It could be worse (we aren't in cicada country). Lawn mowing...God giveth....man taketh away...and birthdays...everybody has one😁. To everything there is a season!

~ Bob Miller, on behalf of your Deacons