A Community of Abundant Welcome to All, Growing Together in Christ and serving with Love

Our Apostles


My college Greek isn’t what it used to be. It now takes a minimum of five books – a concordance, a Greek lectionary (dictionary,) at least one Bible in Greek, one or more English Bible translations, and whatever text has sent me on a quest – to understand an author’s linguistic point. Sometimes, however, there is something else to learn along the way, and that is what is being shared with you here.
In the lectionary, the word “apostello,” (to set apart or send out, from which we get the word “apostle”) was just above “apostereo,” (to despoil or defraud), the word being researched, and that set off a whole new train of thought.
We often use the words “disciple” and “apostle” interchangeably for the big players in our New Testament, but they are not the same. A disciple is a learner or a trainee (from Latin “discipulus” – add another dictionary) while an apostle is someone who is sent out on a mission. Calling myself a follower of Jesus is a claim to be a disciple, but not necessarily an apostle.
One tradition I love in our denominations is the concept of “the priesthood of all believers.” That means each of us, priests together, form the church, the body of Christ. As such, we imitate Jesus when we commission(another Latin word) or send out chosen individuals (apostles) to represent us in taking love (“agape”, Greek again) into the world through good deeds and generosity.
Thanks to our Missions Team for being apostles.

Lyn Pickhover, Still Learning