A Community of Abundant Welcome to All, Growing Together in Christ and serving with Love

Psalm 73: 21-27 & Matthew 18: 19-20

Psalm 73: 21-27 & Matthew 18: 19-20   "I was totally ignorant, a dumb ox in your very presence. I'm still in your presence, but you've taken my hand." (Ps.73: 22 - MSG). "When two of you get together on anything at all on earth and make a prayer of it, my Father in heaven goes into action." (Mt. 18: 20 - MSG).

     I'm struggling a bit these hot days of late July with laziness and passivity. There......, I've said it! The concept came out of my head or brain, or is it my heart or conscience or will? down my arms, through my fingers to my pen and out onto my writing pad (or computer screen). Prayer: Lord God, I bring IT to you, I put my issues with laziness, perception of my passivity and guilt around procrastination into your capable, caring and loving hands because I'm not dealing well with them. I so want your will and guidance on decisions and issues that I believe need positive movement. In Jesus' name I ask this, amen.

     I made a conscious decision to try not to use the word "awesome" in everyday speech several years ago, but to reserve IT for things of God. My resolution stands me well, as I believe it has caused me to credit countless things and encounters as gifts from the Creator. Simple things like cold refreshment from the heat, or cooing baby pictures even only online while we're still distancing, or a mere phone call, or that innocuous chat that moved to a unplanned spiritual level. Did you take in this past Sunday's sunset over Milford, rather than the Mediterranean? I too was a dumb ox, not that long ago. I love the anecdote Rev. Marlayna used of Ann Lamont's going for a non-complicated walk with two friends. Things did not begin well in their case, complicated by the ALS of one confidante, but her inviting God into their outing uncomplicated all things physical. Author Ann was blessed far beyond any preconceived desire. In my meager existence, rarely do any circumstances change, that I pray about or for, but I do [change], what about you? 

      Is our limited or locked-down condition an opportunity to bring all, or at least more nooks of our lives to God, which we have no business trying to orchestrate anyway? He seems to be saying wait to my flood of 'what would Jesus do?' queries, for sure. Paul encourage us to "pray without ceasing" (1 Th. 5:17) and this week's text invites us to set the Father moving on our behalf, when just two of us gather in Christ's name. In our little marital dyad, one often quips: "may our conversation be prayer" at the start, mid-stream or close on the subject of the moment, thereby acknowledging who's in charge, yet each having expressed their view, desire or truth about that subject. Our dynamic mightn't be faultless, but it is terrific! It so frees me for receiving constructive criticism, allows me to pray critically for those I'm close to and objectively view community / world, because He has without a doubt taken my hand.

     Patiently praying to gather again as His body of believers, - Kevin & your Deacons